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Intelligent Investment Advising in the Fintech Era

Nancy Moore and J. Thomas Eubank

The Eubank Conference on Real World Markets aims to bring together a broad array of individuals interested in financial markets, their role in society and the ability of quantitative scientists to help understand the complex world of investing. The first Eubank Conference was held in 2009, sponsored that year and in the years that followed with annual gifts from Rice Trustee Emeritus J. Thomas Eubank and his wife Nancy.

In 2013, the Eubanks established The Nancy Moore and J. Thomas Eubank Research Excellence Fund in Computational Statistics. This endowed fund supports research excellence in computational statistics related to real-­‐world financial markets through the Center for Computational Finance and Economic Statistics (CoFES). Key activities supported by this generous gift are The Eubank Conference (in perpetuity), as well as the Eubank Prize in Computational Statistics related to real-­‐world financial markets.

Mr. Eubank began practicing law with Baker Botts in 1954, became a partner in 1966 (senior partner in 1979), and was head of the business and estate planning practice for 25 years before retiring in 1991. He worked in private practice for 8 years, but then rejoined the firm in 1999 as senior counsel. Mr. Eubank graduated from Rice University with a B.A. in 1951, and continued his education at The University of Texas School of Law to receive his J.D. in 1954.

Mr. Eubank’s primary focus throughout his legal career has been the development of innovative estate planning and taxation techniques, such as the family limited partnership. He is widely recognized for his in-­‐depth knowledge of probate matters, trusts, estates, charities, and related tax issues.

Mr. Eubank is married to Nancy Moore Eubank, a 1955 Rice alumna. She graduated from Rice University with a B.A. in romance language. They have four grown children: John (Rice ’83), Stephen (Rice ’91), Marshall, and Laura.

The Eubanks have been active alumni of Rice University. Mr. Eubank served as a Rice trustee advisor and was a Board of Governors member between 1985 and 1991. In the 1960s he played a pivotal role in the history of Rice by establishing the legal grounds upon which Rice admitted its first minority students. He also authored the legal work that enabled Rice to change its name from the Rice Institute to Rice University. Mr. Eubank was the recipient of the Rice University Gold Medal Award in 1992.

Mrs. Eubank has served on numerous Rice boards, including the Association of Rice Alumni Board, the Rice University Fund Council, the Shepherd School and the Friends of Fondren Boards and her Golden Anniversary Class Scholarship Committee. She was Dean of Women from 1959 to 1961 and has served as an alumni interviewer. In 1996, she received the Meritorious Service Award.